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- AudioMulch Interactive Music Studio
- Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Ross Bencina
- All Rights Reserved
- email:rossb@audiomulch.com
- http://www.audiomulch.com/
- AudioMulch Beta Version README
- ------------------------------
- This program is shareware, please see "Pricing and Availability"
- below for details on paying for this software.
- For a list of changes since the previous release please consult
- the "What's new in this Version" and "History of AudioMulch
- Changes" sections of the AudioMulch help file. Full release notes
- for this and previous versions are available from the AudioMulch
- web site at http://www.audiomulch.com/resources.htm
- This is a Beta Test Version, please read the file Beta.txt for
- information about reporting bugs.
- See the file Knownbug.txt for a list of known bugs in this relese.
- See the file License.txt for the full end-user licensing agreement
- and warranty.
- *** Installation ***
- AudioMulch is distributed as a single .exe installer. To install it
- simply launch the installer exe and follow the instructions.
- *** Upgrade Instructions ***
- You are advised to make backup copys of all of your AudioMulch
- documents and sound samples before installing new beta versions of
- AudioMulch.
- Before installing this version of AudioMulch you may wish to
- uninstall previous versions of AudioMulch, although this is not
- strictly necessary.
- Before uninstalling previous versions of AudioMulch
- you may wish to backup any samples or documents you have stored
- within the AudioMulch directory tree. To uninstall older versions
- of AudioMulch, launch Uninstall.exe in the their directory.
- *** System Requirements ***
- AudioMulch is a 32 bit Windows application requiring either
- Windows95/98/Me or NT4.0/2000/XP (or later). To hear audio
- in real-time (that is what the program is designed for) you
- need a soundcard capable of delivering 16bit 44.1k stereo sound.
- To process audio from the soundcard input you will need a
- full-duplex soundcard i.e. one capable of simultaneous 16bit
- 44.1k stereo recording and playback.
- To do anything useful a Pentium(R) class machine is required.
- MMX Won't speed things up much but enhanced floating-point
- (Pentium Pro or Pentium II, III, IV, AMD Athlon etc.) will.
- The faster the machine, the more you can do in real-time.
- *** Documentation ***
- Full documentation including tutorials are supplied in the
- mulchelp.hlp help file.
- *** List Of Files ***
- The installed AudioMulch 0.9b12 distribution consists of the following
- files:
- README.TXT introductory information
- LICENSE.TXT license agreement/warranty disclaimer
- Knownbug.txt list of known bugs in this version
- Beta.txt notes for beta testers
- Kagi.txt information about Kagi
- mulch.exe AudioMulch executable
- Mulchelp.hlp help and tutorial
- Mulchelp.cnt help contents file
- Samples\Drums\*.wav drum sounds used in the examples
- Examples\*.amh example AudioMulch documents
- VSTPlugins\ directory for installed VST Plugins
- unins000.exe program to uninstall AudioMulch
- unins000.dat information used to uninstall AudioMulch
- Register.exe the Kagi registration program
- Register.hlp help for the register program
- If you did not receive all these files please contact Ross Bencina
- via electronic mail <rossb@audiomulch.com> or download the latest
- distribution from the AudioMulch web site at
- http://www.audiomulch.com/
- *** Pricing and Availability ***
- AudioMulch is distributed as shareware, the registration fee for
- a single-user license is currently US$50. Australian residents
- receive a discount by mailing AUD$55 (including GST) cash or
- cheque payment directly to the author.
- To register, use the registration wizard when AudioMulch starts,
- or select Register AudioMulch from the help menu. Online
- registration is also available via the AudioMulch web site.
- Beta versions of AudioMulch expire 90 days after their
- release date. Registering AudioMulch disables program expiry.
- The Kagi Register program provided with AudioMulch will guide
- you through the registration process. The Register program can
- process payment in a number of forms including VISA, Master Card,
- AMEX, cheque and First Virtual. The Register program encrypts
- credit card details so that they can be safely transmitted via
- email to Kagi. Upon receipt of payment you will be issued with a
- registration code.
- The file Kagi.txt contains more information about Kagi.
- The following are definitions of 'site' and 'world-wide' Licenses:
- A Site License allows anyone in the organization making the
- purchase, within a 160 km (100 mile) radius of the purchasing
- location, to use the software. This includes people from that
- organization location who are travelling but it does not include
- people with locations outside of the 160 km radius.
- A World-Wide License allows anyone in the organization making the
- purchase, who is on the planet Earth, to use the software. An
- additional World-Wide License would be required for other planets.
- The file License.txt contains the AudioMulch end-user licensing
- agreement.
- ###